About Us

Staff members in a planning session

Our History

The Worcester Area Mission Society was created in the early 1800s by Congregational Church deacon and industrialist Ichabod Washburn to provide food, clothing and other forms of assistance to immigrants who came to Worcester. He erected a mission chapel on Summer Street where workers could worship without having to pay for their pews, and he operated a successful industrial school for youth that later in life inspired his gift to the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).  In the 20th century WAMS continued to be a trailblazer as it sponsored the first Habitat for Humanity home in Massachusetts, located on King Street in Worcester, supported resident-led neighborhood reinvestment at a time when this action was not a common occurrence, helped create the first congregate housing for senior citizens in Massachusetts, and supported the establishment of the first housing program for people living with HIV-AIDS.


The WAMS mission is to work with individuals and community partners to inspire economic and educational equity through social change. Our vision is focused on programs and activities that fuel inclusion, voice and opportunity for all.

  • We collaborate with Clark University and Woodland Academy (a public elementary school located in the South Main Street area of Worcester) to offer hands-on, STEAM-integrated, academic and social-emotional summer learning to students in grades 1-6..  The program also includes paid internship opportunities for local high school students.
  • We collaborate with Worcester Family Partnership, the Main South CDC, the Boys & Girls Club of Worcester, MOC in Fitchburg, and other organizations to bring new educational opportunities to children and youth in Worcester.
  • We advocate for equity in education and other factors that affect the lives of children and families.
  • We provide learning opportunities through webinars and other presentations on important issues in our communities.
  • We collaborate with organizations providing supports to asylum seekers, refugees, and other new neighbors.
  • We facilitate collaborations among UCC congregations.
  • Through the Youth Empowerment Program (YEP!), we can help groups of young people learn practical planning and financial skills through projects that benefit community causes.
  • We identify community needs and run short-term drives to meet those needs, such as new winter coats for kids, emergency help for fire victims, and books for children who don’t have enough access to reading materials at home.

We want to go where the needs are and find partners who want to collaborate with us on meeting those needs.