What Your Donation Can Do
WAMS welcomes donations in any amounts. We are grateful to all the individuals, churches, and foundations that believe in our mission and support our work, and we promise to use donations wisely to benefit our community.
Here are some examples of the kinds of impact you can have. A gift of:
- $2,600 supports a math or literacy teacher in the Summer CUBS learning program
- $1,400 supports a teen intern in Summer CUBS
- $400 pays for a bus to take CUBS students on a field trip
- $150 buys a car seat for a new neighbor from Afghanistan who is having a baby
- $100 buys Summer CUBS supplies like arts and crafts materials
- $40 buys two beautiful, hardcover books for an elementary school student and
- $15 buys bottled water for a COVID vaccine equity clinic.
Thank you for caring!