Unique Drives
The Worcester Area Mission Society's mission is intentionally broad. While our greatest resources are devoted to educational and economic equity, we recognize how many factors impact the achievement of those goals in the communities we serve. Drives for basic necessities for victims of apartment fires, children's winter coats, car seats, toys for refugee children whose families are being helped by local agencies, and bottled water for vaccine equity clinics held in supporting agencies, may seem diverse - even random - but they are all focused on meeting the needs of children and families so they can reach their educational and economic potential. WAMS looks for ways to partner with local organizations to meet unmet needs. Our strength lies in identifying needs and filling gaps, and we are always open to finding new opportunities.
Annual Book Drive
Every year, WAMS, in collaboration with United Congregational Church in Worcester, leads a drive to buy age-appropriate new books for second and third grade students. What started several years ago as a small book drive in connection with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Breakfast in January, has become a six-month, fall to spring, community project. In April 2024, we hit a new record - 1,000 new books delivered to students in six public elemenentary schools, four in Worcester, one in Southbridge, and one in Fitchburg. And in November 2024 we started our latest drive, even giving it a name: 1.000 Books/1,000 Smiles. Donations of new books can be made to WAMS at 6 Institute Road, or we will shop for books using designated gifts through our DONATE button, above. Bring on the smiles!