2024 MLK Book Drive

Release Date

Next week, on Monday, January 15th, we will be celebrating the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King.  I hope you will join us in that celebration by supporting the annual MLK Breakfast Book Drive.  Each year WAMS collaborates with United Congregational Church in Worcester to collect cash donations and new, age-appropriate, books for second and third graders in public schools in Worcester and at least one other local community. 

Last year we delivered more than 500 books, much to the delight of the children and their teachers.  We would very much appreciate your support.

Checks can be mailed to Worcester Area Mission Society, 6 Institute Rd., Worcester MA 01609. 

Donations can be made on our website, https://www.wamsworks.org/donate

Or come see us and drop of lovely new books!  Please call before you come, though, because we want to make sure we’re here to greet you. (978) 660-4915. 

Thank you for everything you do for our central Massachusetts communities.