“The time is always right to do what is right.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
WAMS Executive Director Karen Ludington is on the planning committee for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Breakfast in Worcester that will be held on January 16th. Collaborating with John Owanisian from United Congregational Church in Worcester, Karen is coordinating the book drive that is taking place in conjunction with the breakfast event. Our goal is to give age-appropriate books to second and third grade students in two public elementary schools, Elm Park Community School in Worcester, and McKay Elementary School in Fitchburg. Many of these children don't have their own books at home, and books play a big role in building vocabulary, increasing awareness and comprehension, and expanding horizons.
We'd especially appreciate books about Dr. King, civil rights, and equity issues (at an age-appropriate level!). We'd also love other wonderful books by authors who are people of color. These are just suggestions, of course, and you may have your own favorites. Some of these books may be easier to find than others. Two local independent bookstores are cooperating with us on this project by making as many titles as they can, available for purchase:
- Tidepool Bookshop, which is offering a 10% discount on all books for the drive;
- Root and Press, which will donate a fourth book if you buy three.
Please consider buying a book at one of these stores, if you can, by visiting the store or ordering from them on line. They will be happy to set aside the books for us to pick up. Or, we at WAMS would be happy to do your shopping for you with your donation. We have great fun every year buying books with the generous donations we receive. See the Donate button on this website, or mail a check payable to Worcester Area Mission Society to 6 Institute Rd., Worcester, MA 01609. Please note “books” on the check.
Thank you for helping children embrace the joys and opportunities of reading. Warmest wishes for a healthy and happy holiday season for you and those you love.