The Worcester Area Mission Society is collaborating with United Congregational Church to lead the 2023 MLK Day book drive. The drive is part of the Community Breakfast organized every year to celebrate the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to encourage acts of service in his memory. The Breakfast will be held on January 16, 2023 at Quinsigamond Community College. The drive this year is to raise books for second and third graders in two public elementary schools, Elm Park Community School in Worcester and the McKay Elementary School in Fitchburg. This is the first year a Fitchburg school has been included. Everyone is invited to donate a new, age-appropriate book or to make a cash donation and let WAMS staff do the shopping. Books about Dr. King and the civil rights movement are especially appropriate, but all age-appropriate books consistent with acceptance, justice and equity will be welcome. Donations can be made on the WAMS website or by sending a check to Worcester Area Mission Society, 6 Institute Rd., Worcester MA 01609. Two Worcester independent bookstores, Tidepool Bookshop and Root & Press, are offering discounts. Anyone buying a book can drop it off at WAMS, but should call (508) 755-2329 first to make sure someone is there to receive it.